Upper Mustang Valley Trek

Upper Mustang Valley Trek

15 Days From


Upper Mustang Valley Trek

15 Days Starting and ending in Kathmandu

Visiting: Kathmandu, Pokhara, Kagbeni, Samar Mustang, Gheling,Mustang, Tsarang, Lo Manthang, Ghami, Samar, Jomsom

Tour code:


Guide Type:

Fully Guided

Group size:

2 - 16

Physical rating:


Age range:


Special diets catered:

Vegetarians, Vegans, Kosher

Tour operated in:


Private Available:

Request A Private Tour

From: $1955

NB: Prices correct on 19-Sep-2024 but subject to change.

This tour is no longer available, please see similar tours below or send an enquiry

Tour Overview

Mustang valley is situated in the north of Annapurna himal and it is bordering to Tibetan plateau(China). It is used to be called Mustang kingdom. It was founded in the 15th century by a Tibetan monarch who consolidated various small local fiefdoms into the Kingdom of Lo. Though it was eventually incorporated in to Nepal. Mustang has remained isolated .its reputation as wild country was reinforced by the Tibetain guerilla fighters who sheltered here in the 1960s to make daring raids on the Chinese across the border . Following their expulsion by Nepalese army troops in the early 1970s. Even after it was included in the Nepalese territory , entry was tightly rusticated for foreigners. In 1992, Nepalese government declared the opening of Mustang. It is still fresh in people’s memory. During the trekking on this course, you will be visiting villages that are still retaining old Tibetan culture in a desolate desert area. It is one of the very different trekking in Nepal. The range of geographical and climatic regions has led to a diverse variety of flora and fauna with in the Annapurna region. these parts of area are heavily cultivated and the landscape is terraced paddy fields for most of the year.the higher up in the hills the natural vegetation changes from the tropical species to more temperate stands of forest trees including oak, beech and rhododendron.The most prominent ethnic groups in the annapurna region are the Gurung, Braman, chetri, Thakali and the Manangba.


  • Explore Muktinath, a sacred place of Hindus and Buddhists

  • Explore the walled city of Lo Manthang

  • Explore the forbidden Kingdom of Mustang

  • Visit Kathmandu’s iconic UNESCO World Heritage Sites

Places You'll See

Upper Mustang Valley Trek

Upper Mustang Valley Trek

Upper Mustang Valley Trek

Upper Mustang Valley Trek

Upper Mustang Valley Trek


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Day 1 : Arrival And Transfer To Hotel In Kathmandu.

Location: Kathmandu

Accommodation: Hotel

Upon arrival in Kathmandu. Our airport representative will be waiting outside the airport terminal a few metres from the exit door. Please check your name at play card. He will bring you to hotel in kathmandu. The drive from the airport to the hotel is around 20 minutes

Day 2 : Free Day In Kathmandu Or Self Sight Seeing Tour

Location: Kathmandu

Accommodation: Hotel

Meals Included: Breakfast

Free day in kathmandu or sightseeing yourself. Kathmandu Valley includes several UNESCO World Heritage Sites, including Pashupatinath (famous Hindu temple and cremation ground) Boudhanath (massive Buddhist stupa). You can also visit Swyambhunath, also known as Monkey Temple, which was built roughly 2000 years ago. Finally, you can visit Patan, city of fine arts. In the afternoon, you will be meeting with your trekking guide and will check all the necessary things. Overnight stay at the hotel.

Day 3 : Kathmandu To Pokhara By Tourist Bus

Location: Pokhara

Accommodation: Hotel

Meals Included: Breakfast

The bus journey will take approx 7 hours but by air it takes only 35minates.Pokhara is set in a lovely valley at the foot of the Machapuchare so you get spectacular views of the mountains from all parts of the town. It is quite different from Kathmandu, with few temples, but it does have plenty of scenic attractions and is close to the mountains. There are some interesting short walks or bicycle rides from Pokhara, you can swim and canoe on Lake Phewa or just watch the last rays of the sun stream across the dip in the mountains that hold the lake. Along the lakeside road there is a continuous stretch of small hotels, restaurants and shops; it’s an area which still has a bit of the old hippy scene feel about it.

Day 4 : Pokhara To Jomsom By Air And Kagbeni (2776M)

Location: Kagbeni

Accommodation: Hotel

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

(Flight time: approx 25 mins; trekking approx 3 hours) Weather permitting the flight from Pokhara to Jomsom leaves early in the morning and is perhaps the most exciting flight in Nepal. There are fantastic views as we fly up the Kali Ghandaki Gorge, flanked on either side by the Himalayan giants of Annapurna 1 (8091m) and Dhaulagiri (8167m). Our trekking crew will already be in Jomosom (2715m), awaiting our arrival. We begin the trek from the airport on the west bank of the KaliGhandaki River before quickly crossing to the east bank and into the main part of Jomsom. The walking is easy as we follow the Kali Ghandaki through barren, windswept trans-Himalayan scenery. This is our first day at altitude so a relaxed pace is recommended. After just over two hours we reach the few houses of Eklabhatti, where the main trail ascends to Muktinath (3880m).We bear left and continue up the valley to the small village of Kagbeni, which marks the beginning of the restricted zone.

Day 5 : Kagbeni To Samar (3490M)

Location: Samar Mustang

Accommodation: Hotel

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

(Trekking: approx 6 hours) There are five villages in this immediate area linked by ethnic ties - Chele, Gyakar, Chuksang, Tangbe and Tetang. They are related to the people of the Manang Valley rather than those from Jomsom and Kagbeni or Lo Manthang. It is a tough existence for people in this area - arable land is limited and trading is necessary to supplement any income made from the soil. The morning walk follows the riverbed before crossing the Kali Ghandaki on a steel suspension bridge close to the place where the river passes under a huge block of red sandstone. From here there is a steep ascent to the village of Chele, where we take lunch close to barley fields and nearby willow trees. In the afternoon we climb again to a cairn at 3130 metres. Here we witness views of the village of Gyakar, lying across an impressive canyon where a patchwork of green fields gives a dash of colour to the barren terrain. The trail which is narrow in places continues to ascend to a pass at 3550 metres. To the south great views of the Himalayan peaks can be enjoyed including Nilgiri and Tilicho peaks. From the pass it is a short descent to the village of Samar and our camp close to a willow grove and irrigation channels.

Day 6 : Samar To Gheling (3590M)

Location: Gheling,Mustang

Accommodation: Hotel

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

(Trekking: approx 4 hours) From the village we descend steeply past a red, black, yellow and white chorten nearly 60 metres into a deep ravine before inevitably climbing out and descending again into another canyon. We then ascend and continue our climb through an area of shrub juniper. It takes nearly two hours to reach a small ridge at 3750 metres after which a short descent leads to a couple of tea houses at Shangmochen and a welcome break. We ascend again to reach another pass at 3770 metres, where we enter a huge east-west valley. Here we bear to the right and drop down to Gheling, where we make camp close to the extensive barley fields. It is a long morning’s walk, but we have kept the afternoon free to assist with our acclimatisation.

Day 7 : Gheling To Tsarang (3580M)

Location: Tsarang

Accommodation: Hotel

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

(Trekking: approx 7 hours) We begin the morning by ascending gently through the fields up the valley, passing below the settlement of Tamagang and a large chorten. We rejoin the main trail and begin another steep climb to the head of the valley to Nyi La (3930m). We are now at the border of Mustang and descend gradually for half an hour to meet a trail junction. The right fork heads to Charang and our track bears to the left towards Ghami (3250m) where we take lunch. In the afternoon the track crosses a river gully before ascending to a plateau and mani wall where we head east, climbing above the village of Tramar to a ridge at 3770 metres. From here it is a gradual descent to Tsarang, a large and fertile village populated by people form Mustang - the Lobas. The village has a magnificent monastery.

Day 8 : Tsarang To Lo Manthang (3760M)

Location: Lo Manthang

Accommodation: Hotel

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

(Trekking: approx 5 hours) After spending part of the morning exploring Tsarang, we descend from the village into the Tsarang River canyon before ascending a stony trail heading north, with fine views behind us of the Nilgiri, Tilicho and Annapurnaranges to the south. The trail passes an isolated chorten and spectacular caves etched into the surrounding cliffs, before reaching a ridge at 3850 metres for our first views of Lo Manthang and the spectacular scenery of the Mustang Khola and the snow-capped peak of Mansail in the west. From the ridge we descend to a small river and climb briefly to enter the fabled walled city from the north-eastern corner.

Day 9 : Rest Day Lo Manthang (3760M)

Location: Lo Manthang

Accommodation: Hotel

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

(Exploration day) The ’city’ contains around 150 houses and four monasteries, one of which is reported to date back to the 15th century. Inside the temples we are able to view many Buddha images and religious paintings. Photography is sometimes not permitted and you should beware of the fierce Tibetan mastiff dogs that guard the monasteries. The city itself has declined since the Chinese invasion of Tibet. Prior to this, Lo Manthang was a centre for the old salt and wool trade and at one time was a prosperous city. The dominant building in the centre of the city is the King’s Palace. The Royal Family are descendants of an aristocratic family from Lhasa in Tibet and today, though their duties are largely ceremonial, the King is a well-respected horseman and breeder of Lhasa apso dogs. After exploring the city in the morning we may take an optional walk towards Chosar in the afternoon.

Day 10 : Lo Manthang To Ghami (3550M)

Location: Ghami

Accommodation: Hotel

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

(Trekking: approx 5 hours) From the monastery there are views of the two neighbouring villages of Marang and Charang. We begin the day with a climb to a pass marked with a cairn at 4100 metres. The trail then passes through alpine meadows before twisting down a red and purple eroded gully to the village of Tanmar. We pass through lush fields that are a stark contrast to the surrounding barren terrain and climb a further ridge that precedes a short descent to the village of Ghami (3440m). The village has a monastery but is off limits to tourists following the theft of religious artefacts some years before. We move beyond the village and make camp further up the trail en route to the Nyi La (Nyi Pass).

Day 11 : Ghami To Samar (34900M)

Location: Samar

Accommodation: Hotel

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

(Trekking: approx 5-6 hours) From the camp we ascend to a ridge marked by a cairn and then continue to climb until we meet the trail that comes from Tsarang. We head to a pass and then descend steeply into Gheling Valley, where we rejoin the trail used on our approach. We retrace our steps back to Samar with a final steep climb to the campsite.

Day 12 : Samar To Jomsom

Location: Jomsom

Accommodation: Hotel

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

(Trekking approx 5-6 hours to kagbeni then drive to Jomsom) We retrace our steps through a barren, almost moon-like landscape dotted with patches of green cultivation. Man-made canals cut across the terrain, irrigating the crops and fruit trees. We lunch at Eklaibhati. Heading south, the wide, windswept valley floor has little fertile land, which means a hard existence for the inhabitants of the Upper Kali Gandaki. After a few hours following the valley downstream we arrive back at Jomsom, a dusty and windswept town where we spend the night in a lodge to await our flight back to Pokhara the following morning.

Day 13 : Jomsom To Pokhara (850M)

Location: Pokhara

Accommodation: Hotel

Meals Included: Breakfast

(Flight time: approx 30 mins) We rise early in the morning for the return flight to Pokhara where we return to the lakeside. After a welcomed shower, we have the rest of the day free to relax or do some exploring. There are various small museums scattered around town including the renowned International Mountain Museum. Pokhara is a remarkable place of natural beauty. Situated at an altitude of 827m from the sea level and 200km west of Kathmandu valley, the city is known as a center of adventure with several beautiful lakes and offers stunning panaromic views of Himalayan peaks. The serenity of lakes and the magnificence of the Himalayas rising behind them create an ambience of peace and magic. So today the city has not only become the starting point for most popular trekking and rafting destinations but also a place to relax and enjoy the beauty of nature. Pokhara is part of a once vibrant trade route extending between India and Tibet. To this day, mule trains can be seen camped on the outskirts of the town, bringing goods to trade from remote regions of the Himalaya. This is the land of Magars and Gurungs, hardworking farmers and valorous warriors who have earned worldwide fame as Gurkha soldiers. The Thakalis, another important ethnic group here, are known for their entrepreneurship.

Day 14 : Pokhara To Kathmandu

Location: Kathmandu

Accommodation: Hotel

Meals Included: Breakfast, Dinner

Both modes of travel- via air and road are available. It takes 25-minute flight through scenic mountain views or 6-7 hours bus tour of 200km long road to make it to Kathmandu. We will return to our hotel where you will enjoy a typical Nepali dish and a cultural show.

Day 15 : Departure

Location: Kathmandu

Meals Included: Breakfast

We will transport you to the airport. Thanks for trekking with Adventure Himalayan Travels. We look forward to seeing you again!

What's Included

  • Accommodation

    Three nights accommodation in kathmandu and Two nights accommodation in Pokhara at three star hotel and 9 nights 10 days trekking in lodges

  • Airport Transfers at Destination

    Airport pickup and drove by private vehicle and kathmandu to pokhara and back to kathmandu by tourist bus,Pokhara/Jomsom/pokhara airfare included in this price

  • Drinks with Meals

    Breakfast included in kathmandu Hotel and Pokhara Hotel,Breakfast, Lunch,Dinner and tea and coffee include on the trekking Farewell dinner in Kathmandu with Nepali cultural dance

  • Entrance Fees

    Special permit for Mustang, annapurna national park permit with TIMS card ( we need 3 photos for permit)

  • Free Wi-Fi at Accommodation

    Kathmandu and Pokhara Hotel

  • Fully Guided

    An experience trekking guide (trained by Ministry of tourism), Trekking porter,one porter between two person.

  • Local Taxes

    include for Local taxes

  • Equipment clothing for porter & staffs,Equipment (sleeping bag, first aid kit, oximeter etc.),Insurance for all staff & porters,Farewell Dinner with Nepali cultural dance in Kathmandu,Trekking achievement certificate, Adventure Himalayan Tshirt

What's Not Included

  • Country Entry Visas

    Nepal visa - Multiple Entry 30 days - USD 40 (Details in Visa Page)

  • Tipping and Gratuities

    Tips, any expenses incurred in emergency evacuation/road block due to any reason, table drinks, snacks while walking.

  • Sightseeing in kathmandu and pokhara,Insurance for clients (i.e. helicopter evacuation, etc.),Lunch & dinne in Kathmandu and Pokhara,hot Shower and electronic charging fees at guest houses during the trek

Mode of Transport

Arrival and Departure Transport by private vehicle
Kathmandu to Pokhara and back to kathmandu bu tourist bus
Pokhara to Jomsom and back to pokhara by flight


Kathmandu and pokhara three star hotel with Breakfast
Trekking in Lodge with Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner


Check out our Q&As

  • Are the local guides on the tour English speaking?


  • Company Instant Book


  • What is the tipping policy?

    GBP 80-120 Guide and 50-80 porter with Groups

  • Do you require a visa for this holiday?


  • Will I know the names and details of all the accommodation before I depart?

    Kathmandu and Pokhara

  • Will passengers from another country be participating in the tour?


  • Is free Wi-Fi available in the accommodation used?

    Kathmandu and pokhara

  • Is there a supplement for solo travellers?


  • What is the fitness level required to do this tour?


  • What is the standard of the hotels on this tour?

    Kathmandu and pokhara three star hotel and trekking in Lodge

  • Are all entrance fees included in the price?

    In trekking area

  • Are flights included in this tour?

    Demostic Airfare ( Pokhara - Jomsom / Pokhara )

  • Can you assist with pre or post tour accommodation?


  • What happens if a group doesn’t make its minimum required number of passengers?

    2- 14

  • Is the tour coach air conditioned?


  • What is the maximum group size?


  • Is there any free time to explore places during the tour?


  • Are airport transfers included in this tour?


  • Will the accommodation included meet local health and safety regulations?


  • What is a cancelation policy

    The cancellation charges are expressed hereafter as a percentage of the total tour price Cancellation 60 days or more before departure: Loss of deposit. Cancellation 59-20 days before departure: 45% of cost of services booked. Cancellation less than 20 days before departure: 100% of cost of services booked.

  • Can I join the tour once it has departed?

    yes, ones booked the tour it will be granted

  • Am I contributing to any charity by booking the tour?

    5% my profit goes to homeless Childs

  • How long has the tour company been trading?

    12 years

  • What policies are in place for Covid-19?

    If you are fully vaccinated just bring QR code no need other things. If you are not being fully vaccinated, or have not completed a full dose of vaccination at least 14 days prior to arriving in Nepal, COVID-19 test report (RT-PCR, Gene Expert, True NAAT or WHO accredited test) showing negative result done within the last 72 hours of boarding from the first airport or, if you are entering through

  • Do you operate a “single share” option and how does it work?

    it will possible single share option but you have to pay single supplement

  • What happens if I need to change my holiday date once I’ve booked?

    date change free

  • Who will be my travelling companions on the tour?

    Guide and porter

  • What Ethical Travel credentials does the tour company have?

    we are fully responsibility in tourism, including travel agents and tour .

  • What documents will I receive before I travel?

    Trekkers’ Information Management System (TIMS) fees Annapurna Conservation permit

Reviews from travellers on this tour


Upper Mustang valley Trek - 15 Days


'' I had done the Upper Mustang treks. Upper Mustang is a incredible area, amazing views of Annapurna range as well as fishtail Mountain. It was grate organisation and local knowledge staff they are highly qualified and experienced too.I would recommend Adventure Himalayan Travels and Treks to all my friends, family and anyone else considers travelling in Nepal".


Upper Mustang valley Trek


Rana (op manager) was organised and responsive, Deu our guide was very professional, kind hearted and thoughtful. Malpa our ported was enthusiastic, jolly and mountain king. The area of upper mustang was harsh at times, remote and also awe inspiring and dramatic landscapes. The culture and small villages were welcoming and very interesting . Thankyou himilayan Adventures for a great trip! Would recommend this trip as a off grid experience!

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    Make changes to the itinerary, accommodation, or transport method

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    Your tour guide can focus all their attention on your group

  • Travel for a special occasion

    Celebrate an important event by only travelling with your friends or family

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Book with Confidence

  • Low Deposit

    Adventure Himalayan Travels & Treks requires a minimum deposit of 20% or the full booking value, whichever is less, with the final balance not due until 56 days before departure.

  • Cancellation Policy

    We don't charge a cancellation fee, here is a summary of adventure himalayan travels & treks charges.

    Up to 60 days before tour starts: Forfeit 100% of deposit.

    At 59 days before tour starts: Forfeit 45% of booking price.

    At 19 days before tour starts: Forfeit 100% of booking price.

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